{{ offer.title }} {{offer.product.title}} {% for variant in offer.product.variants %} {{variant.title}} {% endfor %} Select Free Gift
{% if item.properties['_image'] %} {% elsif item.properties['Custom Bottom Graphic'] %} {% elsif item.properties['Custom Griptape'] %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if item.properties['_overlay'] != blank %} {% endif %} {% assign found_bundle = false %} {% if item.properties._bundle == 'primary' %} {% assign found_bundle = true %} {% endif %} {% assign bundle_qty_up = false %} {% if item.title contains 'Qty:' %} {% assign bundle_qty_up = true %} {% assign bundle_title = item.title %} {% assign bundle_qty_string = item.title | split: 'Qty:' | last %} {% assign bundle_qty_string = bundle_qty_string | remove: ')' %} {% assign bundle_qty = bundle_qty_string %} {% endif %} {% if item.properties._gift %} {{ item.properties._gift }} {% endif %} {{item.title}} {% for option in item.options_with_values %} {% unless option.name == "Title" %} {{ option.name }}: {{ option.value }} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {%- comment -%} {% for prop in item.properties %} {% assign pk1 = prop | first | slice: 0 %} {% unless pk1 == '_' %} {{prop | first}}: {{prop|last}} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {%- endcomment -%} {% if found_bundle %} {% for prop in item.properties %} {% assign pk1 = prop | first %} {% if pk1 == '_components' %} {% assign bundle_items = prop | last | split: ',' %} {% for bundle_item in bundle_items %} {% if bundle_qty_up and bundle_qty != blank %} {{ bundle_qty }} {% else %} {{ item.quantity }} {% endif %} x {{ bundle_item | strip }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% assign price = item.final_price %} {% if item.properties._bundle == 'primary' %} {% assign reverse_items = items | reverse %} {% assign showIncludes = false %} {% for subitem in reverse_items %} {% if subitem.properties._bundle == 'component' and subitem.properties._instance == item.properties._instance %} {% assign showIncludes = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if showIncludes == true %} Includes {% endif %} {% for subitem in reverse_items %} {% if subitem.properties._bundle == 'component' and subitem.properties._instance == item.properties._instance %} {{subitem.title}} + {{subitem.final_price | money }} {% assign price = price | plus: subitem.final_price %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{price | money }} {% assign quantity_variance = item.properties._inventory | minus: item.quantity %} {% if quantity_variance < 10 %} Only {{item.properties._inventory}} left! {% endif %} {% unless item.properties._gift or item.selling_plan_allocation %} – {% if found_bundle and bundle_qty_up and bundle_qty != blank %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% assign enabled = '' %} {% if item.quantity >= item.properties._inventory %} {% assign enabled = 'silver pointer-none' %} {% endif %} + {% endunless %} {% unless item.properties._gift and product_has_only_default_variant %} Remove {% endunless %}