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Mischo Erban and Katie Neilson!

Rebekka Gemperle and Andrew Chapman (theyd be a good couple!)

Andrew Chapman, Zak Maytum, James kelly

International Buddies!

Rebekka Gemperle & Ramon Konigshausen

Katie Neilson and the Legendary Chris Chaput

Kody Noble (all around slayer)

Rayne Mastermind and board master Graham Buksa (NOT BUSKA!)

Ben Driving the whip up

Wolfgang Coleman and Max Wipperman - Pregame bro-down

Maryhill Treats! Cowpies!

Max Standing out! Juniors II 1st place

The kick it zone


Sir Robin McGuirk

Rebekka Gemperle

Katie Neilson!

Rippin and Dippin

Howdy Neighbor

The Flock

Oh what up scoot!

kill it dudes!

Martin Siegrist leading the crew

James Kelly, way ahead!

Andrew Chapman - The most gangster thug in my opinion

Zen Shikaze! Im a fan of this dude too!

Katie Neilson cannot be stopped!


lots of wheels!

Martin getting ready to push Zen off in the final turn!

Zen... definitely bummed about what happened

Kyle Chin

No Idea who this is but she was a racer

Portland Homies at the race!
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